WNBR 2023 Official Marshal’s View Video

This year’s video is available on Vimeo and YouTube.

This is a marshal’s eye view of the 2023 World Naked Bike Ride in London.

WNBR London rode seven routes from Clapham Junction, Croydon, Deptford, Kew Bridge, Regents Park, Tower Hill and Wellington Arch. It was a hot, sunny day and the turnout was massive. We can’t give an accurate number as we had to divert from the point at which we take the clicker count. But it was much bigger than last year when we counted 1,003 riders.


WNBR is a world-wide campaign, with a number of linked themes. Its objectives are:

  • Protest against the global dependency on oil
  • Curb car culture
  • Obtain real rights for cyclists
  • Demonstrate the vulnerability of cyclists on city streets
  • Celebrate body freedom

Quest for a new start

Now the 2023 WNBR season is over, we want to get your hive minds thinking. It would be great to find some new start points that provide good privacy and facilities. Think deep! Talk to people! Find out whether they would be interested.

We don’t want untested lists of ideas; we don’t have time to investigate and cold call. We want you to introduce us to people who are interested in talking to us.

A start should be easy to get to and a comfortable ride from Central London – 2 to 10 miles would be good. Obviously, there needs to be space for riders and their bicycles. If it also has some covered space, toilets and maybe refreshment that would be great. It would need to be available from say 1pm to 3pm on a Saturday. (We currently expect the next ride to be 8th June 2024.)

We’re not rich but we could pay a modest fee for use of a good place.

Here’s the kind of thing we are looking for:

  • Local sports grounds (eg football, athletics, golf, etc)
  • Clubs (naturist, spas, social, etc)
  • Churches and other religious centres
  • Community Centres
  • Local entertainment venues (eg local theatres, music venues, clubs)
  • Academia (Universities, Colleges, Students’ Unions)
  • Garden centres
  • Farms
  • Businesses with indoor or outdoor space for bikes
  • Private car parks that are not used on Saturdays
  • Local authority spaces that are not open to the general public
  • Friendly institutions (eg museums, art galleries, hospitals)
  • Pubs and restaurants with big spaces
  • Private parks (eg gardens in the centre of residential squares)
  • Private houses with large gardens

If you have found a someone or somewhere and they are willing to help, please send us the details!

Composite Image of London by NASA