MP Michael Fabricant’s Naked Bike Ride

Eyes were wide open and opinions divided when UK Member of Parliament Michael Fabricant published a video where he apparently cycled naked in a London park to promote his idea for a charity naked bike ride in support of a local hospice. He said he was inspired by the UK’s World Naked Bike Rides.

Opinions were varied in the WNBR community.  We celebrate and encourage diversity – WNBR and cycling should be for everyone – even MPs. We also welcome publicity that helps us to promote our mission.

As a campaign that seeks to improve wellbeing through improved environment, healthier lifestyles and better attitudes, we are a political protest group – but not in terms of party politics. We would not wish to appear aligned to any specific politician or party or political philosophy. We also do not wish to divert our focus by becoming aligned to unrelated causes or campaigns. Nevertheless, if politicians wish to ride with us or support us in other ways – the more the better.

Some of the opinions expressed by WNBR supporters on social media were:

  • It’s not that far from Birmingham where a WNBR is needed
  • WNBR is not meant to be a charity fundraiser – it has serious themes which people need to be aware of [Ed: although some people do ride to raise money and we do not object to that]
  • His time would be better spent reversing Tory cuts
  • Some poor bastard has to use that bike after him. I hope he at least cleaned it [Ed: as readers of our website and social media will know, we ask everyone using a hire bike to use a seat cover]
  • His website does mention that he was inspired by the various WNBR he’s seen in a few cities he’s visited
  • Will Boris Johnson join him?

According to the BBC, Prime Minister Theresa May’s official spokesman said: “The Prime Minister wishes Michael the very best of luck with his fundraising. He is raising money for an excellent cause and I’m sure that St Giles’ Hospice will be very grateful for his efforts.”

WNBR London wishes Michael Fabricant the best of luck with his charity work!

You can watch Fabricant’s naked bike ride promotion on Youtube at