Your feedback for 2019

Many thanks to the many of you who have sent feedback through our website, social media and email.  We want to share this with everyone, even the bad bits (which we’ll be looking at in our lessons learned session).  To avoid any editorial judgements it’s in alphabetical sequence of contributor:

  • Albert: Well done. Another great ride. You even managed to get the sun to come out and play for a bit.
  • Andy: We wish we’d been at one of the rides at the weekend but the weather forecast looked poor. Seems we needn’t have worried.
  • Anthony: we had a great time yesterday, we really enjoyed it! Not sure if I met you but thanks for organising
  • Chris: I’m definitely doing the @WNBRLondon again next year!
  • Chris: Brilliant stuff well done to everyone!
  • Colin: It was a great day, with a lovely festive atmosphere. The vast majority of the Londoners coming out to watch were very enthusiastic although there was a small far right group wanting to demonstrate against us. The stewards did a greatly great job of controlling the traffic, which was not always easy as some drivers seemed very impatient. All the riders were very friendly and generally respectful to each other, with regards to photos etc. The scale of the ride, set against the iconic London landmarks made for a very memorable experience and I am very glad that I took part.
  • Colin: I was not very impressed with the slow speed of clearing the road at Buckingham Palace when a police vehicle was travelling with blue light and sirens. Earlier I was very unimpressed with the extremely slow speed of clearing the road when an ambulance was travelling with blue light and sirens.
  • Danielle: Yesterday was good fun ! How many times in your life have you ridden through London completely nude?
  • Danielle: I attended the lastest London wnbr on the 8th of June 2019, had a fabulous time and would love to participate again
  • Danni: XD my boobies!
  • David: Fantastic day as always. 25 miles and 5 hours naked on the streets of London.
  • Dean: To the rider who shouted “Fucking Weirdo” at me as he cycled past – because I took a photo – shame on you. I have supported WNBR London since 2007, have taken part several times, and would only ever take a photo of the ride whilst it’s in progress – which I believe the organisers deem acceptable. Pretty cowardly behaviour too, as he then rode off down the street before I had the chance to reply. Verbal abuse is unacceptable at the best of times, let alone on a fun ride such as this.
  • Ed: My ride today: The weather favoured us with Sunshine. A great atmosphere, no bother, stress nor aggravation, there was no confrontation, shouting at people nor sanctimony.
  • Eva: Absolutely loving life riding round London bollock naked on Saturday. The sun even made an appearance for the final lap!
  • gwerin: It was a great day out. The marshals did a great job of managing the traffic and there was a great atmosphere among the riders. These rides are already helping to encourage bike use. Hopefully they will also help to make motorists more aware of cyclists.
  • Guy: (photographer) The world naked bike ride in London. Aimed at raising awareness of cyclists and freedom of expression. Ironically was verbally abused by hard right yellow vest protestors as it passed down Whitehall! Luckily the police held back the ‘disgusted’ mob.
  • Ian: Great day out the crowd reaction was amazing made one or two new friends along the route hope they stay in touch especially the guy from ST Albans. Can’t wait for next years ride
  • Ian: I’ve done the ride twice once in Southampton and this year in London just loved the experience
  • IanL I had a fantastic time on the ride today. My thanks to all those who gave their time to make it ( yet another ) great ride.
  • John: fantastic day with really fantastic people all for a good cause to make roads safe for everyone
  • Kirstin: Andy and I enjoyed our 5th bike ride yesterday. It seemed there were less people than previous years and we put it down to the poor weather.
  • Koala: Encore une belle journée cette année. Merci
  • Lee: Hi all this was my first time I was only looking on from the street. It was amazing too see. congratulation to u all
  • Lucy: The perfect way to unwind. Brilliantly organised and mad fun as ever great job
  • Mark: iBikeLDN smashed it. Not even sure I can pick out my favourite but YMCA by Buck House is probably going to be i
  • Martin: I had a great time thanks to the weather, fellow riders and the tunes lol.
  • Mary: just to say a real BIG THANK YOU we had such a fantastic fun day ……..My partner LOVED it she is now on about it NONE STOP ……. we/she did the full Monty lol and she didn’t stop smiling all the way round……..We meet some great people from all over ……Some one up there was smiling on us all as the weather turned out real good in the end didnt it lol………….Thanks again fantastic thing and we will DEFF see you next year .. THANK YOU
  • Matt: That was amazing!! First of very many. See you next year!!
  • Mel: Thanks as ever to the organisers, especially those at Tower Hill who always do such a great job
  • Merf: I did the bike ride yesterday. It was amazing.
  • Michael: Thanks to you all for making it a brilliant day a BIG thanks to sophie for all your efforts .. loved the body paint !!
  • Nick: It was actually ace music
  • Paul: Good stuff, I enjoyed the ride and congtatulations to all those who put time and effort into these events.
  • Richard: Brilliant initiative – wish that we could have ridden too
  • Richard: As A new participant I wish to congratulate you all on your excellent organisation the day was a real pleasure for both myself and my wife who attended for the first time, your marshals took the time to see everyone was safe and not left behind which was a concern of mine as my wife it’s a relatively novice biker. The atmosphere on the ride was excellent fun and purposeful, If there was a disappointment it would be the after party…
  • Robert: had a great ride. Thanks to all the Marshalls
  • Tony: The ride was awesome! Shame that the Afterparty was truly terrible. However, a very fun day!
  • Warwick: Thank you for an amazing day and experience! One of the most memorable and best days in London ever – and for important causes. Thank you organisers and bold and fun naked riders