Our team photographer, Scott Hortop, has completed work on the photos from WNBR London 2019. There are some brilliant shots of the ride and many of you waved enthusiastically when you saw Scott – so we know you’re looking forward to seeing your photos! You can view these in two sets:
These copyright photos are not intended for publication and we will not be making print-quality shots available in a digital format. We will only re-use a photo if any featured person can be identified and gives their permission. If you would like an A4 printed version of your picture, these can be obtained from the photographer using the links on the site (profits go into WNBR London fundraising).
If anyone is unhappy to see themself featured in a photo, just let us know and we will take it out of the set. You can get the reference for the photo by starting to purchase a print then looking at the details in the shopping cart details before you click “clear cart”.